There is lots of advice around for starting a business, but less for when it is established but un-profitable, or gets into difficulties. This is a guide to help you when the going gets tough. It acts as a smoke detector - to help spot the early warning signs of approaching difficulty, and as a fire extinguisher - for immediate use in a crisis. It will help you to turn a business around by explaining: why businesses fail, how to spot the warning signs, key ways to stabilise your finances, how to devise a realistic recovery plan, and how to manage that plan into effective action.


SECTION 1 - Turnaround;

  • Recognise the need for a fast turnaround;
  • 2. Spotting the warning signs of business failure;
  • 3. Understand why businesses fail;

SECTION 2 - Stabilise your finances;

  • 4. Understanding your immediate financial position;
  • 5. Managing a real cash crisis;
  • 6. Understanding and controlling your financial performance;

SECTION 3 - Devise a plan;

  • 7. Setting the strategy;
  • 8. Managing marketing;

SECTION 4 - Make it happen;

  • 9. Managing change;
  • 10. Managing the risks.

Need help with a business in difficulty?

If you are involved with a business in difficulty or crisis and would like some experienced help with reviewing your options please do get in touch. 

I'm always happy to have a free in confidence chat. 

If you want more advice or assistance we can discuss what you need.

All enquiries are treated with the strictest confidence.