How important is your bank manager’s support to the stability and success of your business?

How far do you understand how your bank operates, and how it views your business?

How well do you think you manage your bank manager to ensure their continued support?

Managing Your Bank Manager is your guide to making a success of this most critical of business relationships for you as a business owner.

Covering the key topics of:

1 Understanding Your Bank Manager

2 Bank Dos and Dont’s

3 Borrowing from your Bank

4 Bank Early Warning Systems and Business Deterioration

5 Intensive Care Banking

6 Surviving an Independent Business Review

7 Managing in and out of Intensive Care

From the basics of relationship management in banking, cashflow planning and small business funding, through to cash flow and business banking difficulties and managing when in special situations banking this is a guide for business owners and directors.

From how to make your business an attractive customer and a good lending proposition, through to how to survive when times get tough, this is your essential manual to managing your bank, before they manage you.

Need help with your banking relationship?

If you are are looking to raise finance for your business from your bank and would like some help with any aspect of the process, or are having problems with your banking relationship, please do get in touch. 

I'm always happy to have a free in confidence chat. 

If you want more advice or assistance we can discuss what you need. I don't do finance brokerage work or handle funding mandates so I'm not conflicted by a professional interest in the process, but I having worked 'bank side' am very happy to provide independent advice and assistance on a consultancy basis and give you my view.